Sunday, October 15, 2017

Gearing up for the October 2017 Read-A-Thon!

It's been a while since I've asked for pledges during the readathon, but I thought I'd go for it again this year!

I chose two fantastic organizations -- International Rescue Committee and BookAid International.  You could choose to split your pledge between the two, or to send the entire amount to the one that speaks to you most!

Some pledge options:  

* pledge by minutes or hours read (e.g. a nickel for each minute read)
* pledge by books read (e.g. $10 for each book completed during the challenge)
* pledge by pages read (e.g. a dime for each page read)

You can make a pledge for Kieran's reading, my reading, or both of us.

Let me know if you are in!!