Sunday, October 18, 2015

Fall 2015 Wrapup

Well, this readathon I was a lot more bare bones than I have been in the past -- very few mini-challenges, and only a few updates -- with hardly any pictures!  And didn't even try to stay awake past midnight!   But I've never read with 3 other people (and others coming in and out) so it was a new adventure.  And I finished 3 books, all of which I really enjoyed.  Hoping to do the April readathon when I'm not in the middle of a move!  We definitely have some ideas for
next time.

What I read:
Anatomy of Evil by Will Thomas
 Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella
 A Force for Good:  The Dalai Lama's Vision for Our World by Daniel Goleman
83 out of 312 pages of Kitchens of the Great Midwest by J. Ryan Stradal.

What Fiona read: 
A Hat Full of Sky by Terry Pratchett
The Giver by Lois Lowry
Bink & Gollie by Kate DiCamillo & Alison McGhee
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard by Rick Riordan
The Copper Gauntlet by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare
Doctor Who: Revolutions of Terror
Go: A Kidd's Guide to Graphic Design by Chip Kidd
And lots of partial Mary Russell book on her Kindle

My Aunt Vinnie said she'd do $1.50 for each book, so that's $15 for Fiona's classroom!

Here we are this morning, with Fiona eating chocolate chip pancakes on the couch.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Cover Escape Mini-Challenge

What I've read: Anatomy of Evil by Will Thomas,  Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella, 46/224 of A Force for Good:  The Dalai Lama's Vision for Our World by Daniel Goleman

Where I'm at:  dining room table,but getting ready to head to the bathtub. Looking forward to that!

What else: Audra over at Unabridged Chick is hosting the cover escape mini-challenge, where you are supposed to post a book cover you'd love to escape into!  I don't think it's quite what she had in mind, but how awesome would it be to meet the Dalai Lama? 

Sprint # 3 -- Hour 12 -- 5:00-6:00 p.m.

What I've read: Anatomy of Evil by Will Thomas,  214/286 of Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella

Where I'm at:  dining room table.

What else: Looking forward to finishing up Finding Audrey, enjoying it so much -- wasn't sure if I would.   We surmise that Aidan is napping.  Brie is out and yummy. Also salami and cornbread and grapes. Fiona is reading Mary Russell books on her kindle and Kieran is reading comic books on his iPad. Pippin the Corgi is hoping food will be dropped.

Book Scavenger Hunt Mini-Challenge

(Read about the challenge here)

From my current read, Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella and Fiona's, Bink and Gollie by Kate DiCamillo and Allison McGhee

 Book Scavenger Hunt List

1.  Something hard - "She once tried to give it up for Lent. She lasted half a morning." page 9
2.  Something fast - "'Hello, Gollie,' said Bink. 'What should we do today?'  'Greetings, Bink,' said Gollie.  'I long for speed.'  "Let's roller skate!"' page 3
3.  Something sweet - "'Hello,Gollie,' said Bink. 'Do I smell pancakes?'" page 18
 4.  Something high "It's balanced precariously on the window ledge.  Any minute, it'll crash down to the ground.  That's seven hundred pounds worth of computer."  page one
  5.  Something funny "I've often noticed that people equate 'having a sense of humour' with 'being an insensitive moron'." page 5

Hour 9 check-in.

I was able to finish Anatomy of Evil during the sprint!  Now to make some more tea and start Finding Audrey.

Fiona finished Magnus Chase and is re-reading The Giver. Kieran just finished his Jack Reacher book and will be moving on to  The Aeronaut's Windlass by Jim Butcher.  Aidan is sequestered in his room. :)

Sprint #2 -- Hour 8 -- 1:00 p.m.

I've eaten some leftover Chinese, drank a big glass of water, and made some more tea.  Rested  for a bit before lunch and plan to sit at the kitchen table for this sprint.

What I've read: 233/326 of Anatomy of Evil by Will Thomas.   When I finish that, I'll be all caught up on the Barker & Llewelyn series.  Next up, Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella. Not usually a big fan of chic lit (especially involving shopping & shoes) which I know is some of her typical fare. This seems like it might be slightly different, so we will see...

What else:  Fio is planning to read Magnus Chase during this sprint.  Kieran is reading a Jack Reacher book on his Kindle, and Aidan says he's retreating to his room to keep listening to The Martian. 

Hour 5 check in

 1st Reading Sprint over!

What I've read:166/326 of Anatomy of Evil by Will Thomas

What else:  Harder to concentrate with so many people around.  Resorted to earplugs.  Definitely still enjoying Anatomy of Evil. Kieran is going to shave and hope that refreshes him.  I'm so sleepy!  I think I may even have a bit of a snooze. we'll see. 

Sprint #1 --Hour 4 --9:00-10:00 a.m.

First scheduled sprint of the readathon! I'm really enjoying Anatomy of Evil.I'm hoping to read a bunch of it during this sprint.  Eating a hardboiled egg to get some protein in me. 

What I've read:108/326 of Anatomy of Evil by Will Thomas

Where I'm at: moved  from the family room to the living room. 

What else: Kieran has finished his first book, Fiona has finished several, I think,and Aidan is listening to the audiobook of The Martian.

Pre-readathon meme

Well, an interesting start to the Readathon. :)  I woke up at 3:30 and wasn't at all sleepy.   Got up at 4, found clothes as quietly as possible and came downstairs for my first cup of tea.  So now I have time for the pre-readathon questions.

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
Lakewood, Colorado, USA

2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
Hmmm.... Good question.  I'd say I'm looking forward to Anatomy of Evil by Will Thomas.  It's the most recently published of his Barker and Llewelyn series, and it will be fun to be all caught up with the series. I'm also glad to be starting with a mystery.  :) 

3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
 We splurged on a little wedge of brie that looked very yummy. My boyfriend also made chicken noodle soup and I made cornbread.  It's possible we have some Whole Foods chocolate peanut butter bars hidden away as well. :)

4) Tell us a little something about yourself!
 I'm 39 years old, reading today with my 11 year old daughter, my boyfriend, and his13 year old son. I work at a children's bookstore.  I am in the process of moving in with my boyfriend and have less than two weeks to be out of the apartment I've lived in for more than 4 years. So naturally, I'm taking 24 hours off to read.

5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today?
Hmmm.....  Fiona & I participated in last October's readathon (and I've done several before that).  It will be different to have two other people doing it along with us. We'll see what that is like.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Buffy's stack for Fall 2015

Oooh, I'm so excited to dive into this pile In the morning!  There's some real variety here.  Two ARCs,one from an author I met today. Fun to contemplate reading books that aren't officially out yet.  The Golden Compass is in the mix as a re-read.   Fiction, non-fiction, chapter books, young adult, and a graphic novel.   Excited to start off with Anatomy of Evil, the most recent in a mystery series that takes place the Victorian era. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Fio's readathon stack

We are eagerly anticipating the readathon on Saturday!  This is Fiona's stack of current possibilities.  She reserves the right to add to the stack as the day gets closer.  :)  She has asked us to hide the two library books until then, because she doesn't trust herself to not pick them up early, they are so eagerly anticipated.  Much of the rest of the stack will be re-reads for her, though Bridge of Birds is a recommendation from my boyfriend and her kindle is also in the stack, to read some more of Laurie King's Mary Russell books.

And this, of course, is Fiona.  :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Pledges for the October 2015 Readathon

Time for Dewey's again!

Fiona and I are gearing up and can't wait!  I'm excited at the possibility of raising a little bit of money for Fiona's classroom again -- this is her last year at the Montessori school she's been attending.

Some possible pledge options:

* pledge by minutes read (e.g. a nickel for each minute read)
* pledge by books read (e.g. $10 for each book completed during the challenge)
* pledge by pages read (e.g. a dime for each page read)

You can make a pledge for Fiona's reading, my reading, or both of us.

Let us know if you have any questions or comments -- you can invent your own amount to pledge!  Also, and this has been a popular option in the past, if there is a book you'd like to insist one or both read during the challenge, you can ensure it happens for the low, low rate of $20 a book. :) (Assuming we can get our hands on it.) This is your chance, folks, to preach, to what may or may not be the choir, about your favorite book(s). Don't let the door of opportunity slam shut on your toes!