Saturday, October 17, 2015

Pre-readathon meme

Well, an interesting start to the Readathon. :)  I woke up at 3:30 and wasn't at all sleepy.   Got up at 4, found clothes as quietly as possible and came downstairs for my first cup of tea.  So now I have time for the pre-readathon questions.

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
Lakewood, Colorado, USA

2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
Hmmm.... Good question.  I'd say I'm looking forward to Anatomy of Evil by Will Thomas.  It's the most recently published of his Barker and Llewelyn series, and it will be fun to be all caught up with the series. I'm also glad to be starting with a mystery.  :) 

3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
 We splurged on a little wedge of brie that looked very yummy. My boyfriend also made chicken noodle soup and I made cornbread.  It's possible we have some Whole Foods chocolate peanut butter bars hidden away as well. :)

4) Tell us a little something about yourself!
 I'm 39 years old, reading today with my 11 year old daughter, my boyfriend, and his13 year old son. I work at a children's bookstore.  I am in the process of moving in with my boyfriend and have less than two weeks to be out of the apartment I've lived in for more than 4 years. So naturally, I'm taking 24 hours off to read.

5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today?
Hmmm.....  Fiona & I participated in last October's readathon (and I've done several before that).  It will be different to have two other people doing it along with us. We'll see what that is like.


  1. Good morning and happy reading! Starting with a mystery while it is still dark and early sounds so cosy, and also a little creepy :) It sounds so busy there, it's great that you can still take a day off for reading. Definitely a good choice! Congratulations on your impending move, and I hope that all four of you have a great reading day!

  2. You both have a great selection of books there! I've always thought it would be fun to do the read-a-thon with others, but then I figure we would just end up distracting each other by talking about our books! lol! I hope today is super fun and relaxing for you! Enjoy yourselves! -- Shaunie from Team Dogwood :)

  3. so fun that you're making this a family affair!! And wow I'm now wishing that I had brie in the fridge for a midmorning snack. enjoy the event!! Hopefully y'all get lots of reading done. ;)
