Sunday, October 19, 2014

Post Event Meme, pledge totals, and after pictures.

End of Event Meme:

  1. Which hour was most daunting for you?   Because I didn't absolutely insist I stay awake this year, I didn't really feel daunted.  But I think Hour 20 would have been where I really started struggling. Well,and the first hour or two where I felt like I was reading so slowly and am still not sure why...
  2. Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year? hmmmm....  Fiona and I both read The Monogram Murders and loved it. I could see re-reading the Harry Potter series to be compelling.
  3. How many books did you read? I read two and started a third. Fiona read eight and started a ninth.
  4. What were the names of the books you read? Me:  The Monogram Murders, To Kill a Mockingbird, started Bad Feminist.  Fio: Coraline, The Diamond of Drury Lane, The Clockwork Scarab, Cartwheeling in Thunderstorms, Grimm's Fairy Tales, Dawn of the Living Fashion Victims, The Iron Trial, started Two-Minute Mysteries Collection.
  5. Which book did you enjoy most?  I honestly have enjoyed all the reading I've done, but it was so much fun to read The Monogram Murders -- how lovely to have a new Poirot. I know Fiona felt the same about that one, but she also said that The Iron Trial may be her new favorite book!
  6. Which did you enjoy least? Well, we each had a library book in our stack that we chose not to read -- to be fair to the books, we didn't even really start them, just read book flaps.Mine was Accidents of Marriage (decided now was not the time for reading about an abusive marriage) and Fiona's was Lockwood& Co: The Screaming Staircase.  Not sure why it didn't appeal to her and we'll see if she tries it out in the next few days or puts it back in the library bag.
  7. How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time? Oh so very likely.  :)  I think I'll stay a reader only again for this next time, though it's possible Fiona will have an idea fora mini-challenge.


$1/book for both of us from Eran = $10  PAID (he rounded up to $40)  :)
$1/book for both of us from Pearlie=$10
$2/book for Fiona from Adelita=$16
$1/book for Fiona from her dad =  $8
 $1/book for both of us from Sara   = $10

Woo hoo!!  We'll have $84 to give to Fiona's classroom once all the pledges are in. And actually, Tamie wrote me on gmail chat yesterday and said she hasn't  read my blog yet but that she would like to donate $40 to the cause.  $124  --  I think they'll be surprised.  :) 

You have several options for how to send your pledge -- You can send it me and Fiona and I will take it in to school once all pledges that are coming in that way have been received.   You can donate directly to the school online here.  And of course, local people, we can use this as an excuse to get together if you like. 

Please let me know if you need more information from me about how to get these pledges to Fiona's classroom!

And I suppose you can't post before pictures without posting after pictures, right? And then a nice bath. With my book, of course.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to you both on your read-a-thon achievements! I need your mailing address; you can email me via my blog if you like, or message me on FB.
